marți, 22 decembrie 2009


Da...o venit si e credibil si indubitabil si sigur, clar, precis...
Asa ca sa vad zambetul, sa aud veselia si s ane cante Joe Tex!
La multi Ani voua!

marți, 9 iunie 2009

marți, 7 aprilie 2009

luni, 23 martie 2009

marți, 10 martie 2009

luni, 2 martie 2009

joi, 26 februarie 2009

A Spring story

Searching the yesterday feelings,
Means happiness in thoughts, means true drift
When the morning wakes up and the sky is smiling at you,
Please, just remember you had a yesterday feeling.
I wish you were a thought, a beautiful one,
The one that comes back stronger and stronger inside.
I feel a song that goes in my mind step by step,
Through my ears, and the touch of its intensity,
Is like the Spring starting with two hands,
Searching each other.
So, both, we are leaving in a dream of thoughts,
In a whisper of recognition, exactly like “ I know you”
Behind the words,
Just a dream.
Just a thought.
For yesterday.

Searching the yesterday

Sensitive lines

marți, 17 februarie 2009

Behind my dreams

Two hands were laughing one to the other,
They had a common story called by humans: Love.
The birds were building nests into the girls' hair,
And the lights were screaming through the night;

Just men were working to build a smile,
On the face of Earth,
When watches and clocks were singing a dream,
Only flowers were still awake.

Was it a dream of a smile, of a love or of a flower?
Certainely it was a day when a hand
Was laughing to an other hand,
When love was just there, behind.

For you.

vineri, 9 ianuarie 2009

There is a beautiful muslims' world

Acolo e altfel, oamenii iubesc altfel, canta altfel, traiesc minunat prin simplitate...voi reveni acolo altfel...

miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

De'ale Noptii Ramasaguri

Ne brazdam cu tample ochii catarati pe-un val de spume/
Tonuri-tonuri se ridica marginite de-o lumina/
Fie-ne oricat de bine/Cautarile ni-s siluite/
De-o naluc-a noptii vie si de-un urlet dezmatat, rupt in fire lucii/
Vag brazdate c-un oftat.
Inturneric si lumina ne e gandul vesnic paznic/,
Ne e dor sa fim noi insisi, ne e dor de "dracu-n praznic!"

vineri, 24 octombrie 2008

luni, 20 octombrie 2008

vineri, 26 septembrie 2008

sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2008

luni, 1 septembrie 2008


Undeva in spate la Cocor, e o lume a saraciei, dar si a inocentei, a dezinvolturii, a trecutului rasfrant in viitor.

Strazile pline de case darapanate- in plin centru al unei capitale ce de multa vreme nu ma mai uimeste- totusi, o doza de curiozitate reusesc sa-mi starneasca la fiecare iesire la pozat:)

vineri, 29 august 2008

miercuri, 27 august 2008

luni, 25 august 2008

marți, 19 august 2008